Rogue Valley Veterinary Hospital offers complete surgical care for your pets. Our doctors are able to perform preventive surgeries, as well as, advanced orthopedic and soft tissue surgery in our sterile surgical suite. We offer the safest anesthesia available and monitoring technology to help ensure your pet’s safety during and after surgery. All surgical patients receive an IV catheter and IV fluids for the duration of their surgery, which keeps them well-hydrated and helps them recover faster. Post-operative pain medication will ensure your pet recovers comfortably. During recovery, pets are closely monitored by our licensed technicians.
Following your puppy’s or kitten’s initial series of wellness vaccination visits, we offer a complimentary office visit with our fully licensed, surgically experienced veterinary technicians prior to scheduling your pet’s surgery. Our technicians will answer your questions, explain the procedure, give you a treatment plan specific to your pet’s needs and will provide you with a full estimate of the costs for services.
Your pets’ oral health is essential to their physical wellness. A clean, healthy mouth is important and can help ensure overall health for your pet.
Symptoms of a pet in need of a dental include:
Bad breath, red, inflamed, swollen gums, and/or tartar build up on the teeth.
Yearly veterinary exams including oral examination is key to identifying these problems early.
Why are dentals needed?
Tartar and plaque build-up on the teeth can cause gingivitis (inflammation of gums) and infection. This can lead to bone loss in the jaw, tooth abscesses and even systemic infection, including heart disease, kidney problems, and liver problems. Untreated dental issues are not only bad for the health of your pet but can be extremely painful.
How are dentals done?
A complete oral exam is performed, including measuring of peridontal pockets, gum recession, and status of gingival tissue. Gingival, and sub-gingival, ultrasonic scaling is performed. All teeth are polished and fluoride treatment applied. If necessary, extractions are performed with local anesthesia for added pain control by a licensed veterinarian. All dental procedures require general anesthesia and a veterinarian will examine the pet prior to being anesthetized. Our dental procedures include: daytime hospitalization, safe anesthesia methods and monitoring, full oral health exam, ultrasonic scaling, polishing of all teeth, and a fluoride treatment. Dental xrays can also be performed to reveal any existing problems under the gums that cannot be seen by examination.